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Your Initial Consultation.

Hello there,

If you're reading this, chances are you or someone you care about has recently experienced a stroke, and you're curious about what to expect from the initial consultation with Bema Health. Let me guide you through this important step on your journey to recovery.

During the 1.5-hour session, the focus will be on understanding your current limitations, potential, and personal goals. The rehabilitation professional will utilise three comprehensive assessments to gain a comprehensive overview of your situation.

1. Stroke Impact Scale (Assessment 1):

The Stroke Impact Scale is designed to address key factors that may have been affected by the stroke, ranging from mental health and emotional well-being to physical aspects such as limb strength and difficulties with memory. This assessment helps the professional understand the broader impact of the stroke on your life.

2. CAHAI 9 Assessment (Assessment 2):

The CAHAI 9 assessment takes a deeper dive into your upper limb functionality through task-specific exercises. This helps the rehabilitation professional understand how well you can use your arms and hands to perform everyday activities, which is crucial for regaining independence in daily life.

3. Rivermead Mobility Index (Assessment 3):

The Rivermead Mobility Index evaluates your mobility, balance, and strength across your core, lower limbs, and upper limbs. Understanding your physical capabilities is essential for developing a targeted rehabilitation plan tailored to your unique needs.

Based on the information gathered from these assessments, we will work closely with you to create a personalised program centred around your specific short, medium, and long-term goals. Whether it's regaining the ability to walk without assistance, improving arm function, or enhancing cognitive abilities, the plan will be tailored to your aspirations.

Once your personalised program is in place, the structured plan to get your life back on track will begin. Throughout this process, you will have regular progress reviews to monitor your success and make any necessary adjustments to the program. It's essential to remember that recovery is a journey, and setbacks are a natural part of the process. We will be there to support you every step of the way.

In conclusion, the initial consultation is a crucial starting point in your stroke recovery journey. It is an opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of your situation and develop a personalised roadmap for your rehabilitation. With the right support, dedication, and positive mindset, you can make remarkable strides on your path to recovery.

Take care, and remember, you're not alone on this journey.


Jay, Bema Health Instructor/Director.

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