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Stroke Exercise

Importance of exercise and task-specific rehabilitation in stroke for stroke recovery:

Exercise and task-specific rehabilitation are crucial for stroke recovery as they help restore and improve physical function, including mobility, strength, coordination, balance, and endurance. Stroke can cause physical impairments that affect a person's ability to carry out daily activities, and regular exercise can help reduce these impairments and improve overall function. Task-specific rehabilitation involves practicing activities that are relevant to daily life, such as walking, reaching, and grasping objects, and this helps to improve the person's ability to perform these activities.

Recommended weekly frequency and duration of exercise for stroke patients to best recover:

The recommended weekly frequency and duration of exercise for stroke patients depend on various factors, including the severity of the stroke, the person's physical abilities, and overall health. The American Heart Association recommends at least 20-60 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as walking or cycling, three to five times per week, and strength training exercises two to three times per week. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting an exercise program and to gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise to avoid injury.

Exercise contraindications that may impact stroke exercise program:

There are some contraindications that should be taken into account when designing an exercise program for stroke patients. These include severe hypertension, unstable angina, uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias, recent myocardial infarction, and severe heart failure. Other factors that may impact the exercise program include joint pain, contractures, and skin breakdown.

If you're struggling to find a safe, effective stroke rehabilitation programme, Get in touch with us today to book your consultation. There is no time like the present, to get your Bema journey started.

Thank You for reading,

Bema Health.

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